About Memphis Data Professionals

Memphis PASS Chapter

The Memphis PASS Chapter was founded in March 2009 and is an official chapter associated with the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS).

Our mission is to provide our members in the Mid-South area with a forum for education, facilitate networking, and guidance around best practices in SQL Server and related products and services.

We normally meet on the second Thursday of every month. Membership in the group, as well as attendance to our monthly meetings, is free.

Interested in becoming a member, or a part of the group leadership? Please email one of the officers listed below.

What is PASS?

The Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) is an independent, user-led, not-for-profit organization co-founded by Microsoft and CA in 1999. It was created to build a body of individuals that would provide expertise to help educate millions of SQL Server users around the world. PASS is run by volunteers and operates globally through its websites, sponsored events, yearly Summits, and localized Chapter activities. It is governed by a member-elected Board of Directors. The Board engages a management company to handle the organization’s day-to-day operations.

For more information about PASS, visit the PASS website. Anyone interested in Microsoft SQL Server is encouraged to register on the PASS website.

Contact Us

Please do not hesitate to email us if you have any questions.

David Hiltenbrand – david.e.hiltenbrand@gmail.com

Vice President:
Rob DeMotsis – rob@demotsis.com

Donna Johnson – djohn22@gmail.com
Dan Evans – DEvans@solidq.com
Adam Robertson – arobertson@solidq.com